Sunday, March 12, 2006


So, Slobodan Milosevic is dead. As I listened to the radio (mostly the BBC since it's the weekend) throughout the day the idea that his death might not have been natural seemed to gain volume. I doubt he was poisened. He was sick, that was established, and he thought (the day before he died) that he was being poisened was reported.

The question that I automatically ask myself is "Who would benefit?" The truth is that he was never going to see the light of day again. The only group that would benefit from his untimely death would be his supporters or the nationalist party of Yugoslav if he was considered a matyr for "the cause". Noone else had anything to gain.

A commentator on the BBC, a journalist who had spent a lot of time with Milosevic prior to his death, said that he was a communist who transformed into a nationalist at the fall of communism but who was really neither. Instead he was an opportunist that only cared about his own power and wealth. I'm inclined to believe that assessment from what I've read and heard, though I could easily be wrong.


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