Sunday, March 12, 2006

South Dakota...death of the modern Republican Party?

So, I should've written about this when it happened last week, but I'm on a weird schedule. You know how it goes.

Will South Dakota's law preventing abortion except in the extreme case that the pregnancy threatens the mother's life be.... what the fuck will it be?

Republicans seem to have been pushing for this for at least the last 6 years. The renunciation of that vile activist Supreme Court decision so many years ago. The SD law, signed (and followed, more heinously, by a law setting up an ANONYMOUS legal fund to defend the law) last week by SD governor Mike Rounds could be the shot heard round the hill or the death knell for congressional republicans.

While confusing, the idea is to fight for something just hard enough to look like you're fighting, but not hard enough to actually get it because then you don't have anything to fight for anymore and your opponents suddenly do. Republicans (and I'm talking about elected Republicans) never really wanted to strike down Roe vs. Wade. Restrict it slowly, very slowly (like once every one or two terms by tiny bits...) that's okay, no one will notice.

Unfortunately for the Republican party, SD didn't get the whole message. They actually thought that the Republicans wanted incest and rape victims, underage girls and unwanted mothers to carry their babies to term. They actually believed the hype that that's what the American people wanted as well. It was a "mandate" after all. The truth, according to a recent Newsweek article is that 2:1 Americans believe in the basic tenets of Roe vs. Wade. Where they tend to differ is on distinctions such as parental notification (which is an iffy subject even to the most liberal and really should be decided on a case by case basis....which it can't be because that would require a trial for each case).

Anyway, ranking Republicans are shying away from this issue and it looks as if Ole Miss' might be following SD's lead. Why aren't the Dem's stepping up? Go ahead and guess... Cause they always lose on the abortion issue. It just SOUNDS better to be against abortion cause there's no way to misunderstand that stance while a nuanced and considered approach can be made to sound like revisiting Hitler's Germany with very little effort.

Do I think Dem's need more balls? Yes. Do I envy the job? No. Do I think questioning myself and then providing the answer is a little pompous? Of course.


Blogger Dedwarmo said...

I don't think humans have a soul so there is a fuzzy line when a fetus becomes a human. It is a gradual process. You can't say, "This is a non-human," and then BAM! "Now it's a human." We have to come to some agreement about when an embryo becomes a human. Unfortunately in a system like ours, the majority decides, even if their decision is irrational.

8:20 AM  
Blogger matt said...

David, you're so upbeat in person, how did you get so jaded?

Oh yeah, the strict Christian upbringing.

12:58 AM  

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