Texas Primary recount halted, Chicago...
Texas halts their primary recount due to "irregularities": link here (thanks to the Bradblog and democraticunderground) "Apparently, McKerley said, new electronic voting machines provided by vendor Hart InterCivic are not printing ballots for every vote cast on the machines."
Ready4change on democraticunderground brings up the question: [paraphrase without sarcasm] Are the irregularities favoring one party over the other? Specifically, Republican over Democrat?
in related news:
NBC reported that a machine had been stolen in Dallas: link here Thank God the people in charge have assured us that the machine can't be used to hack into the system! I wonder though if the information gleaned from the machine could make it easier to rig future elections? Truthfully, I'm less afraid of the thieves than of the people in charge.
24 California citizens suing Secretary of State over his conditional certification of DIEBOLD voting machines despite their numerous flaws: link here Will this lawsuit be concluded before the mid-term elections? the 2008 elections? We can only hope.
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