Tuesday, June 29, 2004

I defy you...

... if you care at all about the environment, children, anyone else, or even just your own skin to read this and still vote for bush this november. None of it is really new information, but it's put together well, shies away from statistics ("There are lies, damn lies, and statistics". S. Clemmons) and presents a totally convincing and damning view of the current administration's view of and attitude towards our environment. I mean I don't think that they would hate the environment so much if there wasn't money involved. If it made them and their old white friends money to clean up rivers and streams, cut emissions, and save forests they'd all be wearing Birkenstocks and beards smelling of patchouli. But, it doesn't so they put us all in mortal danger so that they can make more money.

Tom DeLay

Tom DeLay corrupt?!



I agree with one of the authors. The committee on ethics should investigate all claims made to it, fuck who gets taken out and "let the chips fall where they may". Special [read corporate] interests are one of the biggest threats to a democracy [read so-called constitutional republic (or parliamentary democracy?) who's constitution is respected less and less by the ruling class].

* I started reading a few more blog entries by the Nation's editor Katrina vanden Heuvel and they were fairly well written. Her Parallel O'Reilly post would have been great if it was what really happened.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

There's just too much to report. Every day there are enough lies and dirty, disgusting conduct from this administration that it all gets so repetitive. I feel like linking everything that I read even though I know that with such an overload most won't get out.

How the fuck is Bush still in office? When a president takes the oath of office they swear on the bible and their country to act honorably at all times when in office. Bush has done the opposite in almost all things. Gore Vidal said the other day that Bush could be brought up for impeachment on at least twelve counts.

There are already irregularities in Florida with regards to the impending (sense of doom) election. The head of Florida's election division resigned because of pressure to purge thousands of "felons" from voting rolls in the state. Anybody remember last time?
Diebold's (the company that makes voting machines not to mention many of the nation's ATM machines) president has pledged to do what he can to "deliver" Ohio to Bush.

Each passing day marks another scandal that goes under-reported. Anything that does get reported gets immediately squashed, spun, minimized, and/or distorted by any number of neo-con/fundamentalist talking heads (ingraham, limbaugh, hannity, coulter, o'reilly et al...).

Each passing day marks another freedom lost, another opportunity to fight missed or taken away. The people in the GA town where the G8 are meeting are blaming the protestors for the loss of tourist revenue, not the tanks or the soldiers with machine guns in the streets. We have very little time to stand up and fewer tools with which to work. But, too many more lost days and we won't be able to do anything and we'll no one but ourselves to blame.

Oh, and take this quiz.