This is interesting as well...CBS calls bullshit on Bush. And he debated at Yale. He knows what he's doing.
All the Worst from Here and Abroad
This is interesting as well...CBS calls bullshit on Bush. And he debated at Yale. He knows what he's doing.
The Pew Research Center released the funniest (funny/sad) poll results on the 15th of March. Respondents (among other questions) were asked to give a one word description of George Bush. The results are below. Here is the link to the Pew site's poll and analysis.
Texas halts their primary recount due to "irregularities": link here (thanks to the Bradblog and democraticunderground) "Apparently, McKerley said, new electronic voting machines provided by vendor Hart InterCivic are not printing ballots for every vote cast on the machines."
So, I should've written about this when it happened last week, but I'm on a weird schedule. You know how it goes.
So, Slobodan Milosevic is dead. As I listened to the radio (mostly the BBC since it's the weekend) throughout the day the idea that his death might not have been natural seemed to gain volume. I doubt he was poisened. He was sick, that was established, and he thought (the day before he died) that he was being poisened was reported.
I just wanted to say that the comments that are erased are not real comments; people can post whatever they want as long as it's not a blatant ad for penis enlargement. I've had a lot of those since I've been gone. Seriously, I've all about free speech as long as you're not using a free forum to make money for yourself.
jeffrey k skilling sez: "get me as much of that juice as you can"around a giant bearhug as they defrauded investors and wall street. I get a warm feeling when I hear enron executives getting all lovey-dovey in the boardroom as they bled their investors and employees dry. A business culture that rewards carnivores won't quit when the chips are down and it's every man for himself in the courtroom. ( a paraphrase from the whistleblower who exposed the shiesty accounting "practices" of enron and fastow).